Thursday, August 20, 2009

Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk

...scream about it instead! at least that's what i felt like doing today. Olivia started out spilling her full cup of milk at the breakfast table. This happens every morning so I don't know why i still get frustrated. It wasn't so much the sticky mess I had to clean off my newly mopped floors it was dealing with a 2 year old tantrum and sending Olivia to time out within the first half hour of her being awake that made me want to scream. and then there was lunch... After a disasterous trip to Target where Olivia proceeded to display her swell mood we went to McDonalds. I know i know...its just that i promised both of them if they were good that we could go to lunch with Rosie and the girls and Kolby was good but Olivia wasn't. I was stuck in a jam. Do i punish them both? reward them both? Take them both and have Olivia watch us eat and other people stare at me for being such a mean mom? Oh ya i forgot to mention how i put Olivia in time out while i was in the check out line and Kolby got all choked up and said, " Mom don't leave Olivia at Target! Please she has to come home with us. She's sorry". After the bad-mother-looks at Target i decided to let Olivia eat lunch with us. While i was trying to get her to eat more than just fries she gave me attitude and then knocked over a jug of chocolate milk. Luckily for her it barely missed my pale gray capris and came right off my flip flops. Needless to say, spilled milk doesn't make me cry, it makes me wanna scream! After finishing setting up Daniel's classroom he took me out to Pei Wei while mark and rosie watched the kiddos. It was super yummy, there was no milk on the menu, and when i returned home i laughed and giggled and sang with my sweet Olivia.


Megan said...

You are a great mom! I know how you feel. Tanner has been giving me major attitude lately for everything. I have been getting really frustrated and am crabby all the time...that must make me a bad mom!

Holly said...

Wow, I have a lot to look forward to. :)

The Aprecios said...

Other Holly said exactly what I wanted to see...great names think alike :)

Kylee said...

Ha ha...don't you love being a mom? We are constantly facing those decisions of what to do, and are frequently given those looks of "can't you control your child?", etc. It all does pay off when we get to cuddle with them, read books, etc. You are not alone in all your fun (and not so fun) adventures as a mom!

Jessica said...

oh doesn't a night out to eat where someone else made the meal and there's no one to spill but you make such a big difference! My sister thinks i'm so boring for wanting to go out to eat on date night, but when she has little kids she'll understand I'm sure and enjoy those clean, spill free, you don't have to do anything but eat meals =)

Unknown said...

If it gives you any hope - they will outgrow it! I am definitely a better teen mom than a toddler mom!

That is so tender about Kolby not wanting to leave his sister at Target!