Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Not so lady-like

Last week Olivia saw me painting my toenails. She said, "I want toes!" I was tickled pink to have girly time with my 2 year old. She's been putting on her make-up with me for months now and I was beginning to think, how cute that she is so girly and lady-like. Yesterday I went to get her out of her crib when I noticed she was chewing on something. I knew there wasn't anything in her crib or within reach when i put her down and she wasn't eating anything before. I asked her what was in her mouth. Then I gagged. She pulled out a soggy bloody bandaid that used to be on her scabby knees. The most disgusting part is that I never did find the other one.


Lindsey said...

I think I just threw up a little.

Holly said...


Ryan and Brittany said...

wow that is disgusting olivia!!! dont' worry sabrina what goes in must come out :)

Alix said...

HAHAHA! That is so funny to me for some reason! Why would she eat those? HAHA!