Saturday, June 20, 2009

Picasso and the pool

I have no tv. gulp. i know. I guess they were serious about going digi this time eh? Now i gotta get me a converter box or a nice flat screen if anyone has an extra i can take off their hands. It's also extremely hot here so we can't play outside til after 7pm. This basically leaves me with two options. No tv or watching movies we rent from the library to keep the kids entertained. Luckily today i opted for a slightly more creative activity. ( I totally stole this idea from my awesome friend jessica). Of course they mixed most of the colors to create a perfect putrid green but i promised myself whatever happened i would not intervene. Kolby actually has a little person painted in blue if you look really close and i loved how olivia's turned out very jackson pollak (ok i don't remember how to spell that). They had fun. I felt like we were finally having some quality time, and now i have something to hang on my playroom wall. Of course the best part was clean-up time when we let them run thru the sprinkler and jump in the pool. Olivia's diaper may or may not have weighed 50lbs when she got out. I sure love these guys! Ta da! can't you find the blue man? My proud painter!
Waaaalah! i figure once we get tired of it they can just paint over it again and again.


The Powells said...

You are too cute! I'd love to have a playroom! I have toys ALL over my house and I can't keep them all in one room. Once it starts acting like summer around here I might take Tyson outside and paint too - cute idea!

Julie Barnes said...

HEY! I watch "free" tv as well and have an extra converter box coupon. If you want, I can send it to you. Just email me your address, and I will send it your way. There isn't much on "free" tv and I love the way you keep your cute kids entertained!

Alix said...

That is so funny that you saw my mom's twin! I don't think she was down there in Mexico unless she went without TELLING ME! I wish I could have seen this woman! All of her sisters don't look like her so I wonder if maybe it was a cousin. Some of her cousins look like her twin. HAHA I'm glad you had a fun trip in Mexico... minus the whole passport drama. LAME!