Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No more bum changes

Looks like i won't be changing this sweet little bum any more.
Last week Olivia was potty trained! Its been a pretty low key thing around here, i never like to push them. But all of a sudden it just clicked with her.
She pees and poos on the toilet everyday. I may have to knock on wood here but so far only 3 accidents in a week. She's still in a crib so i make her wear a diaper to bed, more for my own convience than hers:) I've discovered that potty training is just as much if not more training for the parents than it is for the child.
Daniel and I both noticed her change in behavior too. I think all this extra attention is really helping her be that sweet baby i knew she always was. I feel bad that it took potty training to make me stop everything and spend a few days just at home with her. I was asking her every 20 min. if she needs to go potty, praising her, and helping her put stickers on a chart. She just seemed so pleased with herself and so happy to be the center of attention in the family.
Monday we let her pick out a toy at the store. It took us a pathetically long time to choose something. She's a huge follower so we had to tell her that she had to choose. Kolby tried to get her to pick a monster truck or a fire truck but eventually i held up a dora doll or a my little pony and she chose My Little Pony.
I'm so proud of my baby girl...i mean big girl.
Now with all that money i'm saving on diapers i'm gonna stock up on size 1 diapers for the final round of bum changing... coming soon.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! Potty training has got to be the one of my biggest challenges:)

The Patterson's said...

Yay! Congrats! What a smart girl and what an amazing mommy.

Dani said...

YEAH OLIVIA!!! Congratulations!! What a big girl!

Now I just need to get James to poop in the toilet...