Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Monster Trucks to the Rescue!

This may look like a random pic of monster trucks but actually this is a symbol of diaper freedom!!! This is all it took to get Kolby from diapers to big boy underwear. Ok not really, I had to be sooooo laid back about the whole potty training business so kolby won't freak out and give up. Basically its been a year of watching potty movies, reading potty books, making sticker charts, drinking lots of name it we probably half heartedly tried it. I always swore i would never bribe my children with toys. Ha! Then one day kolby went poo in the potty and i bought him a monster truck. Then he went 3 days in a row and I bought him a monster truck, then a week. I was worried he'd be asking for more and more trucks but he never did and then the poo was taken care of. Then he lasted 1 day with dry underwear, then 2 days, then 3. So far he's not demanding more toys its just a part of his life now. We're going on our 3rd week and he refuses to ever wear diapers again. Even at bedtime! And he did awesome on our roadtrip! I'm pretty amazed. So proud of my BIG BOY! Now the mommy training has begun. I actually have to remember to ask him when we're out and about if he needs to go potty. I think the training is harder for me than it was for him.


~Amanda~ said...

Yeah for Kolby! I heard that boys are harder to train than girls ( I had no complaints about my girl!) I know what you mean about remembering to ask, now you'll be taking twice as many potty trips while at the grocery store! (and keep some extra undies and pants in the car, just in case!)
BTW - love the TMNT truck!

Megan said...

That is so aweome...Way to go Kolby. The potty training process with Tanner is coming very very very slowly. He doesn't even want to potty train! Yeah to you for being so patient. I hope the success continues!

Lindsey said...

I must admit, the day I became potty trained....changed my life forever. HUGE accomplishment. I am SOO proud of my little Kolby!! Way to go buddy.

Dani said...

Oh man! It totally never occurred to me that I'd have to start asking! I'm totally going to forget once that joyous time come. Congratulations!

Stef said...

congrats! I'm glad ethan took to potty training fast. I don't even have to remind him or ask him anymore. I just need to figure out how to do night time potty training. he only wears a pull-up at night time, either way I don't miss those diapers....just to start over again!

Anonymous said...

Hey bina,
Congrats! We are so excited for you and Kolby. Ethan is now on his 6th accident free day. Like you it took a bribe to get him to do it. He was going potty okay in the toilet but he never went poo. So one day he asked if he could play lego batman, a video game, with his uncles and I told him that he couldn't play unless he went poo poo in the toilet. Not thinking he would actually do it. Ever since then underwear has stayed potty and poo poo free. I wish I had known that would work a long time ago. We are so proud of you Kolby. We miss you and guys and wish we could see you soon. We'd love to take you to a Cubs game if you ever came to Chicago.

Love ya,