Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm a horrible monstrous beast

i can barely see the keyboard to type this bc of the freakishly large cold sore i have blocking my view. I'll be in hiding the rest of the weekend. If you've never had one don't talk to me and don't pretend like you can't notice it. I know you're lying:)


Texasholly said...

Dude, I saw you this morning and didn't even notice it! Well, maybe I did, but I think I was just like, "huh, coldsore" and moved on. But I wish I had read this BEFORE I saw you because then I would have been like, "Aghhh, you are hideous!"

Lindsey said...

Holly has clearly never had one...and therefore we shall wish it upon her. You know I had the beast a couple weeks ago. I swear that I was treated differently in the stores because of the growth upon my face. I understand completely. And the worst part is, people will say..."ohh it is not that bad" or "I hardly even can see it"....and yes, sometimes that may be true, however it is the FEELING you have, and dull but mind numbing pain associated with this hideous creature. Baby...I understand, you are in my prayers and remember to try my latest remedy. Brown paper sack, two holes for eyes, place over head.

Ryan and Brittany said...

Dear Sabrina-
I can only imagine how ugly you feel no offense...Because I know I do when I have one and I feel that people judge me and can't look at my eyes only my beast! But look on the bright side... you will appreciate how beautiful you are once it's gone... thats what I always have to look forward to. I love ya sista you're beautiful despite the extra beast growing on your face :)