Sunday, June 8, 2008

emotional sunday and a little piano man

After giving a talk in church my tears were already easily flowing. But then, you add having Daniel called as executive secretary, thinking of all the time I will be spending alone, hearing specific blessings for our family as he was set apart, getting called as YW secretary myself, and saying goodbye to my little rascals in primary and I was pretty much a reck. Nothing cheers me up more than my kids though. Kolby refused to repeat his "I am a Child of God" version so here's what I caught while I was hiding upstairs and he thought no one was watching....


Jami Black said...

Wow-I would have been emotional too-good luck with your new calling and supporting an executive secretary!

Dianna said...

oh my gosh he is so precious!!!!!! i love it! wow, daniel and i both got new callings on the same day too but at least mine was just laurel advisor (i teach the stake presidents daughter and his wife (the yw's president)). too bad we don't live close so we can not ever see our husbands together.

Ben, Erin and Tyson Sweetwood said...

That was sooo cute. I love that at the very end he got it right!