Friday, June 13, 2008

Fun in the Sun

This week Kolby had his little friend Max over. Since kolby is usually surrounded by girls I think a little male bonding is just what he needed:) They ate Oreos (olivias may or may not be oreos mixed with dirt)... Drank a lot of water.... Blew bubbles... and made a lot of noise:)


Texasholly said...

How fun! Toddler pool party pics are the best (especially messy-faced ones)!

Jenni said...

Oh so much fun! I bet you felt so tired when the day was over! But it looks like they had fun in the sunshine . . . I'm assuming that is what the bright light in the pictures is. We don't have that here!

Jami Black said...

The kiddos look so cute-gotta love summer fun in the water. Oreos are so yummy-Madison loves them but since she usually has the nastiest blackest diaper in the world the next day, we have limited her intake. Congrats on the new bed-we just got a new one in April-we had been on a full for the past two and half years-it may have been one of the best investments we have ever made!

Lindsey said...

First of the pics! Little Libby's eyes in that oreo/dirt pic say it all...BLISS. I would love an oreo right about now...hint hint..CARE PACKAGE!
J/K see you soon!! Less than two weeks!

Frasure Family said...

what a fun way to cool down from the sun! I love oreos!