Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Little Mama

Dear Olivia- Today you turned 2! You are officially a toddler! yikes! I still think of you as a baby! Since your party isn't until tomorrow I just wanted to spoil you a little bit today. We stopped by a donut shop and you were thrilled to pick out your very own chocolate milk. So glad you take after me on that one:) As we sat there I thought how it wouldn't be long before you'd be expecting an i-pod or designer jeans or a car for a future birthday and was grateful for this stage where we can just enjoy the simple things in life. (hate to break it to you but none of the previously mentioned gifts will ever be a reality for you...sorry). Your daddy and I were just saying how you are so many things all rolled in to one. We love that you are full of spunk! You are rarely afraid to meet new people or try new things. You are sassy too which drives me crazy at times but also makes me laugh. To counter balance your sassy-pants you also are very sweet and loving and cuddly. I love it when you put your arm on my shoulder and ask if I'm ok and give me hugs and kisses. You find such entertainment in teasing your brother but are always quick to give hugs and say sorry. You are a music and dance lover! We love watching you "shake it". You could eat all day long if we let you. You are probably the messiest child I have ever seen. We are averaging about 2 baths a day and about 1 pack of wipes. But you also are such a good helper when it comes to cleaning up and you are amazing at unloading the dishwasher. We love that you are so full of life and that you're our baby girl! Happy Birthday little mama!! We love you!!!! -mom and dad


Julie Barnes said...

What a cute little dancer! Happy 2nd birthday !

Ryan and Brittany said...

Happy 2nd bday girlfriend!!! I wish I could be there with you to dance the night away. I miss you so much!!!! A present will be coming shortly in the mail :) Love you baby girl!

Lindsey said...

Could I love anymore that you call her little mama???

Megan said...

She is absolutley adorable! Happy 2nd Birthday Olivia!

Jessica said...

too cute!! my kids loved watching her shake it too =) happy birthday olivia!