Sunday, May 24, 2009

Land of the Dull drums

Daniel was out of town all weekend so I was bored out of my brains. Even with all my boredom i couldn't seem to get the energy to actually do anything. After going without milk all week i finally ventured out to the grocery store on Sat. My kids squealed with delight. We've already downed a gallon. Friday was spent taking Olivia for her 2 yr check-up. Here's the stats: weight: 25lbs 25-50% height: 31 1/8 5% BMI: 18-1 85-90% She got two shots and a finger prick. There was a 7yr old waiting at the lab with us. His mom told him how brave he was. He told me that he screamed like a girl. Guess no one likes shots! Olivia kept saying "legs hurt!" I felt so bad for her that afterwards i took the kids to Chic-fil-a and rented Hotel for Dogs....that seemed to cheer her right up. We're glad Daniel is home and that he has tomorrow off. I'm sure we can come up with a few more interesting things to do with our lives:)

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