Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year's Eve

We decided to have a "Chinese New Year's" on New Year's Eve and enjoyed some yummy food. The pics of everyone kissing at midnight are too graphic to post, esp of my parents...sick! :) Here's to a fabulous 2009!


jed-laura said...

nice goblets! Happy new year.

i love the pictures. So tell me, who is the oldest, who's the youngest?

where do you live in texas, you don't have to answer on your blog, do you have facebook, you can email me there.

Lindsey said...

I just watched the Ohio/Texas football game. ( read that right...I am quite the little FORCED football fan now)
I was rooting for ya. Sorry to say that your boys lost. Better luck next year!!
Remember, just a few years ago, we rang in the new year your parents house. I think it was two blessed years ago...cause you were preggers and couldn't partake of the "goods" that the rest of us were drinking....:) hehehe j/k....sorta.
thanks for ignoring my call tonight. I see how it is.

Stephanie said...

cute pics and happy new year. next year we need to celebrate new years together...we'd probably get into some trouble but we'd have a lot of fun doing it.