Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pony Party

Thinkn of better days...

Saturday was Olivia's birthday party.
She asked for a "My Little Pony Party" and this is what I came up with:)

The party bags:
1 for friends, 1 for boys, 1 for babies, and 1 for my older nieces:)

The cake:
strawberry cupcakes with cream cheese and strawberry koolaid frosting....yum!!!
Olivia helped me makes these and put all the stickers on top:)

The Entertainment:

We loaded up our van and had 5 other cars caravan and put on a "My Little Pony" DVD while we drove to the farm.

The Location:
My amazing friend Claudia allowed us to come tour her gorgeous property.
Its seriously magical out there.
We saw the barn, the pastures, and each kid got to ride a horse!

the horses even signed a birthday card for Olivia:)

Here's the momma horse. She actually gave birth the very next morning at 12:30am!
I gotta admit I was kinda hoping to get to witness a foal being born:)
some day...some day...

The Riders:

My big 5 year old!!!


I snuck in a quick pic so my children will remember that I was actually at their birthday parties:)

A billion thanks to our gracious hosts Claudia and Scott!!!
Thanks for letting us into your magical world:)
We sure love ya!!


Ryan and Brittany said...

It turned out so amazing sis! The kids all look so adorable and like they are having such a blast! You look hot of course too. Ya'll are truly Texans! Happy birthday Olivia!!!

Lindsey said...

BEAUTIFULLY DONE! I am a big fan of my little pony...classic:) You look smokin hot by the way:) Happy Birthday Little Mama!!

Jessica said...

I have never been on a horse...this is the party I should have flown down for :) Happy Birthday Olivia!