Monday, February 13, 2012


Imagine the Best of  Peter, Paul and Mary soundtrack playing, the smell of toasted Dave's Killer Bread*, and the creaminess only German chocolate can produce in your mouth and then you will really have the full scope of my trip to Seattle.

Good stuff.

*As a side note, if you've never heard of Dave's Killer Bread you seriously haven't lived. If I didn't adore my husband I might just marry this Dave guy despite that the fact that he's an ex-con drug addict, solely for his bread. No really. Its that good. You may purchase it at Costco in Seattle.

Back to the trip...

Let's start with some rainy pictures for my dear "friends" that believe it only rains in Seattle...oh wait I don't have any pictures like that because it was gorgeous the whole time we were there:)

Ok how about some pictures of a shopping mall.
Turns out this is what the outlet mall looks like...fabulous!

We also...
played at the park,


(let's not mention how Naomi snuck out of her packn'play to color on the walls)
Dressed- up all matchy-matchy
(Go Seahawks!)

Ate chocolate....
(just happens to be a German Chocolate Factory down the road called Boehm's Candy. My mother's maiden name is Boehm. So it's kinda perfect, just like her.)

Played Tumblin' Monkeys
(seriously coolest game ever!)

Played in the snow
(the obvious favorite...highlight of the trip!)

Dad and I went running, in the which he and the hills kicked my trash!
Of course I choose to place part of the blame on brand new running shoes and giant blisters on both of my arches. Got a full refund for those puppies.

and then we had to say goodbye...sniff sniff

to my dad that mother had the joyous task of flying home with me and kiddos.
She stayed a couple days and then went on to my sister's in Atlanta.
Thanks for the sweet trip mom and dad! Love you!!!


Unknown said...

Never heard of the bread but now I want to fly up there just to get some!

Glad you found some snow to play in but I'm surprised that you even own coats!

Jessica said...

Have got to check out the bread. Glad you enjoyed your parents and little trip away! You actually were kind of lucky because ever since that sunny week, it's rained every day :) Almost summer!!!