Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lil' Obessions

Here's a few things I've been kinda obessesed with lately...

1. Deep Covered Baker (from Pampered Chef)
Remember how my oven quit? Chicken Penne, Rocky Road Brownies, Cherry Dump Cake, and Family Burrito Bake have all been on the menu this week thanks to this baby. somewheres 'round 18 minutes in the microwave and waaaahhhlaaaa! goodness in a pretty dish with all fresh ingredients.

2. Piano girlies

My girls recently decided they need to practice piano while we wait for preschool pick-up.
The piano teacher in me just melts:)

3. Downton Abbey (PBS)

Seriously in love with this series!!! Season 2 ended this month and I'm going through withdrawls!


So sad that picnik is leaving us the end of April! I love things that hide all my mistakes. I will miss you and your froggy pics and clever phrases to capture my interest while i wait for a down load.

5. The Alchemist
This months choice for book club...I may have underlined half the book:)

Thats about it for now. Any yummy obsessions of your own?


Brooke said...

Fun post! Now you need to share your yummy recipes!

Ryan and Brittany said...

My obsession is stalking your blog:) Oh yeah and making those yummy taquitos which I will be posting about soon:)

Frasure Family said...

Pinterest and my silhouette. Could pin things all day and bake all day. Love how long Olivia s hair is getting. Awesome Daniel is converting you. I am def not a runner.