Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Oh Lover Boy

In honor of yesterday's holiday I'd like to post a few entertaining conversations about a certain lover boy in our house.

Kolby: I told a girl I could sing today.
Me: Really?
Kolby: Yup and then I sang to her.
Me (giggling): Really? What did you sing?
Kolby: "Cause you're amazing just the way you are!"
Me: what! then what did she do?
Kolby: she passed out

Kolby: I was waiting next to a girl in line today and I told her she was cute.
Me: Oh dear.
Kolby: Then she fell on the ground.

(at parent teacher conference)

Teacher: Kolby is quite the popular kid in class
Me: Oh good. But, I've heard that the girls are chasing him at recess and trying to kiss him.
Teacher: Yes. That's really not allowed. One mother is concerned because her daughter is allergic to peanut butter and kolby eats peanut butter sandwiches.
Me: (thinking I'll pack pb sandwhiches til Kolby's 18)


and this last one might embarrass me more than kolby...

Daniel: (teaching a fhe lesson) Think of something that you really really want.
Kolby: I know what mommy wants! XXXOOO from D-A-D


What can I say? Love is in the air:)

Here's the littlest valentine.
She ate her entire box of chocolates for breakfast. She's quick when it comes to sweets!

And my favorite valentine...
We attended a newly-wed party on Saturday which we won 1st place in (again!) yeehaw!
The theme was western. No not all Texans dress like this on a normal basis:)

Hope ya'll got lots of XOXXOs!

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Texasholly said...

No coconut pictures? Tom has forbidden me from posting any of ours. Too bad. They are AWE.SOME.