Thursday, June 16, 2011

Happy Brother Day, Happy Sister Day

Last weekend my 5yr old asked me why we celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day but not Brother's Day.
When I asked him when Brother's Day is he informed me it was to be on Monday and Sister's Day was to be on Wednesday.
I'm always up for a celebration so I readily agreed.
And just what does one do to celebrate Brother's Day and Sister's Day?
You do whatever the brother and sister would like to.
In our case that turned out to be greeting each other with hugs and kisses, telling the brother/sister what we love most about them, eating pancakes and smoothies, swimming all day, and watching a movie (The Little Rascals) with popcorn.
Just to clarify, my 4yr old explained that grown-ups have to have their special days on Sundays so all they get is a nice breakfast and go to church. Brother and Sister Day must be on a Monday and Wednesday so they can actually have fun:)
Glad we cleared that up.
Hope you get a chance to schedule in your very own Brother's Day and Sister's Day...
definitely my 2 favorite days this week:)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love it! My kids have asked many times over the years when it is "kid's day" (as opposed to Mother's or Father's Day) and I always tell them that EVERY day is kid's day!