Friday, June 24, 2011

Behold the Power of Music

My children have recently shown me how music has changed our lives...
Last week I was out for a run. The girls were in the double jogger and kolby was running close behind me. (Yes my 5 yr old is amazing and yes I am slow...anywho) I noticed Kolby was slowing his pace but then I heard a soft little voice start singing in between huffing and puffing...
"Don't stop believing!"
Thank you Journey. You inspire a lazy momma and a 5 yr old to keep running.
This week I exposed my daughter to The Rolling Stones when she screamed, "but I want that!"
A few days later I heard her singing to Naomi,
"You can't always get what you waaaant..."
Thank you Rolling Stones. You convinced a 4 yr old to be content.
Wonder are slowly being replaced:)


Texasholly said...

Haha, love it! We sing "You Can't Always Get What You Want" to Ellie on like a daily basis. She really hates that song.

peterson said...

Happy 4th of July!!