Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Will somebody just shoot me in the head?!"

heehee gotta love Hook
I have a nasty cold and yes i'm being a complete baby about it.
Had to take naomi to my dr. appt yesterday bc i never know how long i'll be there and since i'm her only source of food, we're kinda attached.
She ended up screaming her head off, i ended up passing out twice before i could hold her, and i left the office $800 poorer.
It was awesome.
How many hours is it till bedtime?


Dani said...

My favorite was the last line. My morning is just a countdown to nap time and my afternoons/evenings a countdown until bed time. I'm sorry you are sick! Don't the kids know that you need someone to take care of you too?

Unknown said...

I absolutely believe head colds are the worst! Get well soon!

Abby said...

Good grief girl! You could have told me all that and I would have taken the kids home with me today so you could rest!! You sounded terrible today, so I hope you at least get sleep tonight!

Lindsey and Brett said...

Wowzers! I'm sorry about all of that. I hope you feel better soon!