Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Growing up

A few funnies from my kiddos:
Me: "What do you wanna be when you grow-up?" Olivia: "I wanna wipe tables" Me: "Way to aim high" Kolby: " I wanna be a sports man. I will play baseball, basketball football... I also wanna be a construction guy, a doctor, and a police officer" Me:"wow that's a lot!" Kolby:"I can only do one at a time though mom! I don't want to go crazy!"
Me: Cooking dinner, setting the table, and changing naomi's diaper Daniel: Reading a magazine at the table Me: "Why do i have to do everything! I need you to get up and put knives on the table" Olivia: "Dad, Mom's the boss!" My kiddos must be growing up because they're so smart!:)


Jessica said...'s are always the boss because someone's gotta do it all! But not everything or we'd go crazy, good advice Kolby...but I'm afraid mom's have no choice but to do it all AND go crazy ;) your kids are funny. good luck with the rice cereal!

Dani said...


James has started to tell me he can't do things I ask him to do because he's "too busy". Where do you think he learned that?!

Snedakers said...

funny-funny. It's so true, despite what any husband thinks, the moms have to be the boss. It just wouldn't work any other way!