Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hot diggity dog

Last week when my bro-in-law "accidentally" handed me a super spicy buffalo wing instead of the honey bbq as i'd requested i thought that was pretty dang hot. My lips were giving off heat for about an hour. Then yesterday we met up with Tom and Holly and took the kiddos to the zoo in 103 degree weather. I have a new apprection for the word HOT... and for AC and for $1 drinks at McDs!!!
Despite our sweaty clothes and red faces we still had fun and Olivia said "thank you for the zoo and that we could see all the animals" in her prayer last night.
p.s. disclaimer: i have a very odd sense of humor...when we stopped at McDs for drinks and icecream there was this crazy lady passed out on the table and clenching the Bible of all things. She woke up abruptly, asked an old man for his fries, explained that she couldn't buy any for herself because she was afraid they would make her eat people, then went back to sleep. I still can't help but laugh. I guess the heat can really get to some people:)


Abby said...

Oh man, I love love love encounters with crazy people!

Dianna said...

Sorry my husband did such a terrible thing you to you :). He forgot to mention that part of the night....

Dianna said...

So nevermind, he said that was Mark not him!

Dianna said...

totally something daniel would do!