Monday, August 30, 2010


Feeln a little anti lately
Sundays- like leaving the house a disaster, rushing out the door, spending majority of the time in the hall with a crying baby, nursing, or taking kids potty, no time for naps, and a feeling of guilt that i was in no way spiritually uplifted on the Sabbath of all days. I can sense a lighting strike coming my way...
Cleaning- this is not new just esp anti cleaning all the wood floors and tile because it takes me seriously all day long and then my kids destroy it in seconds.
Teething- as much as nursing would suck...perhaps we should just be born with teeth and get it over with instead of an eternity of drooling, crankiness, and sleepless nights.
Post-baby wardrobe- nothing to wear...too cheap to buy clothes which i hope to never have to wear again after i lose all this chub...anyone wanna sign me up for What Not to Wear? Seriously i'd be an amazing canidate.


Lindsey and Brett said...

I secretly love when you post blogs like this because sometimes reading other people's blogs makes me depressed because everyone seems to be perfect and have a perfect life. I'm right there with you on these things, especially the anti Sundays and anti cleaning. But the anti thing will pass... one day. At least that's what I keep telling myself. :)

Dianna said...

Except you have WAY TOO MUCH FASHION for what not to wear!!!
I hear you on Sundays. Usually I end up getting in an argument with my five year old right before church as I'm stressing to get out of the house on time. Makes for a great start of church.
And as far as teething... I can't believe Naomi already has teeth. She is getting them so EARLY.

Abby said...

Totally get the 1st 3 anti's...but not the last! You always have the cutest outfits on! Seriously when I'm getting dressed sometimes I think I wish my outfits were as cute as Sabrina!

And I am so Anti-cleaning right now it's not even funny...and I have a million Cubscouts coming over tomorrow. I need to see if cleaning is a badge, if so, after they clean mine, I'll send them your way!

the other lawton's said...

okay...i love your face!!! that's all!

Lindsey said...

I miss you. Come see me. We can shop together. You in your post baby wardrobe and me in my chubby prematernity clothes. We would be a great pair:)

Julie Barnes said...

I am totally with you on the Anti-Sundays. Those seem to be the hardest days, then come home from church and feel completely exhausted. ugh.