Monday, May 31, 2010

One of those weeks

Ever have one of those weeks that is so jammed packed you can hardly catch your breath and yet is so fun you'd do it all again?
That was last week.
Started off with lots of playtime and pool time with my momma the previous week. Mon-Fri
Which led to quite a few baths for some dirty sweaty kids..
really only the shots of Naomi are worth posting:)
Friday night we played Just Dance and Mark and Rosie's and bought our own the next day. We are slightly obsessed.
Mon-Wed rinse and repeat.
Thursday we cleaned the house and Daniel and I got to go on a date! Whoo-hoo.
Friday my mom and I baked out little hearts out, then while we were getting ready to go out to eat the kids decided to create their own "oil spill". In this case they knocked over and entire huge bottle of lighter fluid all over the garage.
After a serious clean up job with Uncle Henry's help we stuffed our faces with fajitas and came home just in time to greet my dad from the airport.
Saturday I threw a "Sweet" party for Naomi's blessing day. My MIL gave me the idea bc she found out that Naomi is Hebrew for sweet. My mom and I made Oreo truffles, mini cheesecakes, rsaspberry brie shells, lemon bars, chocolate-covered strawberries, triple chocolate cookies, and sugar-free jell-o for my super skinny in-laws:) A bunch of family came over that night. We ate treats, played Just Dance and Pictionary Man.
Sunday was the blessing day, which deserves a post all on its own.
I raced from sacrament meeting to my sunday school class, to primary to help kolby with his talk, back to teach my class, to R.S., to family pictures after church, to a 5th Sunday lunch-in (yes our ward still does those), to home to make dinner, got thrown-up on, showered, bathed Naomi, watched a movie and crashed at midnight.
Monday we played in the pool some more, i schooled my fam in croquet, and we enjoyed a super yummy bbq, celebrated my parent's b-days, and said goodbye.


Dani said...

Your children are freaking adorable!!!

Unknown said...

the sweets look delicious!

Texasholly said...

I am so sorry I missed all the fun! I definitely would have cheated on my diet Saturday night, but it would have been worth it!
And Naomi looked so precious for her baby blessing. Sorry I had to rush out. Soon it will be summer and we will have LOTS of playdates!

Ryan and Brittany said...

What a cute idea!! Only 2 more weeks and I think we should repeat this week... it sounds like so much fun!

Tracy and Micah said...

It all looks like so much fun! Those kids of yours are so cute!!

The desserts look amazing!! What is this raspberry brie shell?? I want the recipe!