Monday, May 10, 2010

I made it!

Today was the beginning of my first week all alone as a mother of 3. I gotta say i was pretty dang pleased with myself. Haha. Yes we moms are allowed to be impressed with ourselves esp when it happens so seldom. In all fairness, my first day all alone was actually April 26th, the Monday after i gave birth. I had a rather sleepless night, was awoken at 7am by all three children to find that all 3 had wet their beds. I washed sheets. Olivia had another potty accident and i scubbed poo. I couldn't convince kolby to come downstairs for breakfast. He threw a fit over going to preschool. He told my friend that I had hurt his feelings and made up some lie about me throwing him out the door. When Daniel got home I balled and laid down for a nap. My visiting teacher brought over dinner. Today, in contrast...started off well mostly because Naomi slept for 4 hrs and then 3hrs. Its amazing how much better this is than 2hrs. My kids didn't come get me til 7:30. We all ate breakfast together, showered and got ready, watched Dinosaur Train, and dropped kolby off for preschool. After preschool we all played at the park for a few hours. I even had enough energy for a game of tag and hide and go seek (seriously the swollen feet and big belly made me cry bc i couldn't play with my kids). We came home and finally played "school" again. We're learning about boats this week and ballerinas next week. We all layed down for an hour nap then played with my new present, Wii Fit, ate leftovers for dinner, visited the neighbors, and had family home evening. Needless to say when my neighbor gave me a hard time for not having the kids outside playing as much as grandma did when she was here i might have had some evil thoughts about her. Seriously I think its a miracle when I have a day that things actually work out and my kids aren't crying and fighting and I'm not yelling or crying and we all get dinner. So if I sound a bit prideful about today I apologize but why not celebrate the little triumphs in life?!


Jessica Kettle said...

1. yay for survival!!
2. you should make laxative brownies for your neighbor.
3. so jealous that you get to play again! we went to the BIG park a couple days ago (i was trying to do something nice and special just the two of us) and all max wanted was for me to chase him, and i really couldn't. i was rather upset. and by the time i can again, i will have two whole kids! yikes!

Stephanie said...

Alright well I'm just flat out jealous!! No really - I'm so glad for you that it started off so well. I thought it was easier having 3 kids than 2 for some crazy reason. Let me know if you need anything or I can come get your kids for a playdate :o)

Texasholly said...

Um, I remember how proud I was for making it out of the house with 2 kids. You rock!!!

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