Friday, December 4, 2009

Preschool Party

My friend threw a "Veggie Tales Christmas Preschool Party" (how's that for a title?? ) on Wed. Olivia was beside her self with excitment that she got to participate. Check her out in the front row being all attentive and grown up:) Cindi made the cutest crafts with the kiddos, read some funny Christmas stories, and then we ate lunch and put on the Veggie Tales Christmas movie. Plus she made all of us moms the most delicious vegge and cheese soup I've ever and probably ever will have in my life!!! yum.
Love this preschool group. Can't wait to start back up in January.

1 comment:

Abby said...

I am still dreaming of that soup! I'll be making it soon! And the party was so cute!