Saturday, December 12, 2009

I am all Tuckered out!

This weekend was a bit crazy 'round these parts:)
Friday was our ward Christmas party. Thus the picture of the 50 lbs of carrots Daniel and I ended up peeling. It was amazing really, i just had to document it. One of the couples in charge cooked a gourmet meal complete with stuffed chicken, potatoes, green beans, carrots with apricot sauce and some kind of beef which i am too uneducated to know what the proper name is. Anyway...let's just say the food was fabulous! I was in charge of the program. The children reading from Luke were just adorable and the musical numbers were beautiful. Wish i could have had a free moment to get a pic of the whole scene but alas i was a wee busy. And the kids actually sat on Santa's lap without crying. They were completely silent but not crying. Olivia looks like she is on drugs but i swear she isn't. Kolby told us that Santa said to make sure he leaves out cookies and milk for him. Kolby wanted to start baking right away:)
And Saturday...i got a phone call today from my sister who is coming for Christmas telling me that she has been exposed to the Swine flu. I had been debating whether or not to get vaccinated and i suddenly felt the urge. I was scheduled to get mine on the 21st but since it wouldn't give me much time before my sister comes i stood in a 3 hour line today with my kiddos to get free H1N1 shots. My feet were swollen, my hidious newly-aquired varicose vein was throbbing and i was tired of telling my kids to stop hitting each other by the time we made it to the actual room where the shots were. I will omit all commentary of the rude woman behind me who kept running over Olivia every 5 minutes the line moved...really are you trying to cut in front of a 2 year-old?..ok i guess i didn't omit. The room was aweful. I can't think of a more frightening place for children. All you could hear were children screaming bloody murder and having to have 2-3 people hold them down as if being tortured. Luckily my kids were suprisingly brave and sat on my lap without screaming or flailing about. Olivia even put on a tough face and lifted up her own sleeve. Of course they cried hard enough to bring tears to my own eyes once they'd been pricked but i was so proud of them.
Afterward we arrived a half hour late to a birthday party where i took kolby potty. Less than 2 hours later, on our way home I pulled over and tried to fight the holiday madness to get a parking spot at Target. Kolby couldn't wait that long and peed his pants. I cleaned out the booster seat, stuck my kids in the shopping cart and changed him into a new pair of jeans in the clothing section so he wouldn't freeze to death. We had to take yet another potty break before we left the store. Seriously I'm prego and i don't pee that much! Capri Sun...never again!
We finsished the night off with baths, some IB Proufen, a delicious home cooked meal, and Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer.
Of course Daniel has missed the entire weekend as he is at a Track Clinic. These kinds of weekends only happen when you're all alone.
I have to say though as i was carrying two crying children to my car and cleaning up pee in a parking lot it really didn't even phase me. I started to think of when I first became a mother and how overwhelming it all was. Motherhood used to drain all my confidence and now it is the source of my self-worth. Today i actually felt quite proud of myself as any mother should when life just throws you one curve after another and you handle it with ease and end up with happy children and a home cooked meal at the end. Is there really a greater achievment in the world? i think not.


Unknown said...

I am SO impressed that you ended up with a home-cooked meal after all of that!

Anonymous said...

Those days are SO hard!! Everyone keeps saying 3 will push me over the edge-----already been there and done that. I think I'm pretty immune to the whole "adjustment" thing!!

Lindsey and Brett said...

Way to go! You handled everything like a champ! And I look forward to the days of feeling empowered by motherhood because I'm pretty sure I'm just entering into the world of being drained of self-worth by the whole thing...

The Powells said...

LOVE the new hair - and you're THE WOMAN. Way to have such a positive outlook on mothering. I need to step up and LOVE the good with the bad too. You're inspiring!

The Patterson's said...

My day would have ended up with a frozen pizza for dinner, cranky kids and a cranky mom. Don't know how you do it.

Jessica said...

love that post

the other lawton's said...

that's my girl!

Dianna said...

You Go Woman! At least I have good news- we have not YET been exposed to Swine Flu and are keeping our fingers crossed that we do not get exposed. We are so excited to see ya'll this weekend.

Holly said...

Yeah, I think I would've ordered pizza. :)

Katie said...

As always My hero!

Dani said...

GO YOU!!! I'd type more but I'm doing the one handed-baby in my arms thing. :)

Michelle Williams said...

Way to 'Mother up', that's the same as 'man up', just so you know. It's always better to rooolll with those punches and stay in control. You are a true adult now, a full on woman and I'm proud of you!! Have a very MERRY Christmas.