Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy"...

MMMMMmmm there's nothing like Texas in the spring time, except maybe texas in the fall and winter time too...(all you utah and idaho people can hate me now). We've been enjoying some made to order weather...perfect for things like, a day at the park.
Monday we headed out to the park (my newest find from last Saturday) with Holly, Ellie, and mom Lawton. We were greeted by this:

Who knew pinatas could be such a growing problem in parks....?

Any one wanna guess what the devil this rodent is called??
The first time we were at the park these little guys stayed in the water so I thought they were beavers. This time there were a lot more of them and they were waddling on the ground. I got to see their disgusting rat tails, webbed feet and the freakiest thing of all...orange teeth.
Olivia warmed right up to them.
Kolby got freaked out when I got a wee carried away joking about a R.O.U.S jumping out and attacking us. Sorry kolbs.
After dealing with those creatures, hand sanitizer was a must. thanks hol.
This one just makes me giggle.
Olivia trying to squeeze her way into kolby and ellie's friendship....too bad they called her a monster and told her she made bad choices :(
Sorry Olivia, these two have been friends since they were babies, you'll just have to hang with me.


Julie Barnes said...

YEAH! for spring time!

Lindsey said...

I seriously had no idea Pinata's were such a public threat. I will spread the good word.

PS....the half rat/beaver thing is far beyond freaky looking. ORANGE TEETH?? don't you remember ANYTHING from Princess Bride??? As you wish!

Texasholly said...

Ok, Ellie was pointing to the pictures and saying the names. The nutria was a "mouse" and then she pointed t Olivia and said "There's the monster!"

Dianna said...

That is freakin hilarious about the pinatas!!! Funny #2- Kinleigh and her friend Collin call his big brother a monster and won't let him play with them! I'm sure it is the boys influence on that one :).

Dani said...

Your kiddos are too cute. You need to make another trip to Sea World once the water part opens up in April. We'd love to see you again!