Monday, October 10, 2011

Tough Mudder- in the which I could choke on testosterone

Please refrain from grunting Tim Allen style as you view the next photos...
Daniel and his buddies completed the 12 mile, 29 obstacle course man fest otherwise known as the Tough Mudder.
My MIL and sis-in-law watched the kiddos so actually it was a fairly stress free spectator day for me. I hung out with all the wifeeees and laughed at billions of freaks covered in mud. Fun times.
The beginning...all clean
didn't last long...
"Walk the Plank"- 15 ft drop
"Smoke House"- pitch dark wading through water
"Everest"- half pipe coated in oil
"Mud Mile"
still smilin'
"Bump n' Grind"- crawling on gravel beneath barbed wire
"Ball Shrinker"- um crude
"Jumpin Bale"
"Funky Monkey"- greased monkey bars
"Electroshock Therapy"- 10,000 volts
We are manly men And we are tough these ladies!
and what is the prize for all this?
kissing his lady fair of course:)
In the words of Brian, "Tough Mudder, where otherwise perfectly good running shoes go to die" :)


Tough Mudder said...

Awesome race, love those photos. Congratulations to all the participants for a great job well done. It's not an easy race, you should take it seriously too.

Julie Barnes said...

So cool!

Ben, Erin and Tyson Sweetwood said...

I always thought Daniel was I KNOW he is!

Ryan and Brittany said...

Dear Tough Mudder,
My apologies for my sister's lack of respect to this race. Clearly this is one of those things in life that should be taken more seriously. When I think of important events, I will always think of those who have sacrificed and given so much to the Tough Mudder race! Sabrina, next time you really should take this more serious:)

The Aprecios said...

Would it make me weird that I would TOTALLY do that?

(Not to be confused with COULD totally do that.)