Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Girlie Time

Now that the men of the house went back to school us girls lay around the house all day anticipating their return.
Ok perhaps that's only how we feel on the inside.
Over the last week the girlies and I have:
-made a chain to count down when Olivia gets to start preschool
(not till October so it was a super long chain!)
-visited the library (where we may have cleared the princess section)
-Read princess stories every afternoon
-dressed in tutus and sponge curlers
-fed the ducks
-gone swimming
-baked, oh my have we baked!!!!!!
-and our parties.
(We reccomend the Tangled Soundtrack and Justin Beiber station on Pandora)
These are the only pics I have since we really were too busy havn fun!
Its true.
Girls just wanna have fun.


Ryan and Brittany said...

I love it! You are such a good mom! Love the editing as well! I'm glad that you are teaching your girls at a young age that all girls are princesses:)

Ryan and Brittany said...

also..did you change your font? it's cute.

Julie Barnes said...

So cute!! I love it!