Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the Smell of Death

yes this is the aroma in my house.
I took out the trash, washed the rags, bleached the kitchen and bathrooms, all to no avail.
Last week while i was home alone one night i heard loud noises down stairs. I stood in my family room and continued to hear a loud scuttle above my head which proceeded to move all over the ceiling.
A bird?
nope much bigger.
a fallen tree?
nope too skittish.
the boogie man?
highly unlikely.
I went outside armed with a flashlight and giggled nervously thinking how i'd explain my logic when my hubby found me half eaten my an R.O.U.S.
As it turned out the noises stopped and i never saw a thing.
A week later no noises
Just an awful stench.
My theories?
A large family of rats or possums duked it out and then died.
of course it also could have been...
a murderer who hid his victim's remains in the walls of my home
(My dad read Edgar Allen Poe to me as a child...I'm still scarred obviously)
Either way,
my house smells like death.
Is there a Febreeze for this?


ALIX said...

check your sink... whenever my house stinks there is usually something stuck in my sink...

Abby said...

If you find an ROUS I wanna see it!!

Ryan and Brittany said...

Anytime I smell something stinky Ryan asks if I have smelt my upper lip yet... you should try it. hehe jk I believe you...which is why it looks like you better evacuate and come see me until the problem is resolved.

Lindsey said...

Wow. Sounds Toxic. I just had an idea...forget Georgia (sorry britt), come north, where we have good clean mountian air. Go to and book your tickets now:)
Check and make sure some nasty crawling critter did climb into your air ducts and decide to camp out in your nice warm vents. OR, maybe someone tracked in large amts of horrific animal poo and now it is imbedded in your carpet. Wow. Sounds like you need a vacay to Utah. I know a place you can stay. For free.
No need to make reservations...just let me know when and I will make all the arrangements for you. I double as a prego travel agent and I know how to get ALL The best deals.

Wow email or blog comment. Sesh!
Bottom line. I miss you. Enough said.

Unknown said...

my blurb book arrives tomorrow. YEA!!!
Thanks for insiring me.

Amber said...

Any luck with finding what died? Man, that would drive me CRAZY!! Good luck with the smell. So sorry too!