Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Falling Behind

{I chose fall pictures to go with the title instead of pics of behinds. Aren't you glad?}
Naomi, my baby, my baby...girl.
I never did post your 6th or 7th month stats. Sorry about that. When I took you in for the 6th month check-up the Dr. told me you needed a CAT scan. So of course i cried and then i wasn't in the mood for blogging. As it turned out the results were negative and you are perfectly health. whew! You have FINALLY graduated to the crib in your own room upstairs. I kept you in the bassinet in my closet for 6 months. Sorry about that too. You are FINALLY sleeping a bit better too. I am not sorry about that. You decided it was time to roll over back to front and front to back on the same day. Your siblings did this around 3 months but i suppose you'd have to be put down to master the roll and well you just don't like being put down. You are a momma's girl through and through which i love and hate at the same time:)
We love every thing about you from your chubby li'l self to your giggles to your pathetic cries:) i'm only slightly sorry for forcing you to jump in the leaf pile.
If you weren't so hillarious, you'd find yourself in a lot more trouble! You're super smart, and sassy, and sweet. I'm lovn the snuggles in my bed in the morning and how you are always writing letters on scraps of paper as presents.
You have such a good heart. One morning you woke up and cleaned the playroom all by yourself without being asked and let me sleep in til an embarrassing hour:)
My crazy kiddos...always good for a laugh.


Ashley and Dave said...

Why did the doctor suggest a CAT scan for Naomi? That would have been super scary- I am so glad that it was negative. Addison has been a little slow on her milestones too- I think it is just her "doo-dedillie-doo" personailty. If that makes sense. She is just so easy going. She didnt roll over until like 5 1/2 months and just started sitting at 8 months. She is 9 months now and I think crawling could easily be another two months away:) SO maybe she will be 18 months when she walks? This might not be such a bad thing though ;) dont you agree!

Ryan and Brittany said...

I love all of their faces! haha I wanna jump in with them! Naomi we love your big head and I want to give you kisses...even though it gave us quite a scare! Can't wait to introduce you to Avery and you can be bffs with Reagan :)