Monday, October 18, 2010

Biting the Big One

Daniel is officially 30 today!
yikes what an old man!
to celebrate the kiddos and I met him for lunch in his classroom...
his athletes decorated his classroom and this bad boy
and just to prove that one year older is NOT one year Wiser... I organized a suprize guys night out to Buffalo Wild Wings where they took on the "Blaz'n Challange" t-shirt says... 12 wings 6 minutes...its like walking on hot coals-except you eat 'em Daniel and Daniel E. succeeded, Mark ate 4 and Tom (the wisest) was the "sober" clean-fingered photographer for me.
happy 30th're hot and not just because your mouth is on fire:)


Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday Daniel!! Just remember 30 is the new 20...just older.
Hope you had a fantastic day!

Unknown said...

Hey, looks like they got free t-shirts out of the deal so at least that's something!

Tell Daniel happy birthday for me!

The Powells said...

Happy birthday to Daniel... but Happy Birthday to you too Sabrina! I didn't forget, I'm just busy (is that even an excuse?) Hope you had a wonderful birthday!