Tuesday, December 2, 2008

sniff sniff....grrrrr!

I cry when I get mad. I don't know why. It really doesn't make sense. Crying is for sad or spiritual feelings right? Not, "I want to rip your head off" feelings. My power went out on Sunday. This caused my internet to be down once again. The "technicians" came out today. After 2 hours they said they fixed it and let me know the set-up was easy. After i felt technology-retarted I called the company back. on hold both kids crying me crying lady on phone asking why baby is crying. I let her know exactly why all of us are crying! I got transfered A guy explains that technicians can't come back til tomorrow because their systems filed my house as a "job complete". I'm holding back profanities. I insist that he walks me through whatever his worthless dishonest technicians would have done if they were here. After 3 hours start to finish i know a whole lot of weird router codes, get a tight knot in my throat when ever i see a comcast van, found out kolby can make his own pb sandwich, and drum roll.....have working internet. My sweet polite hubby is always so embarrassed by my reactions. sorry hun. Dang, and I just told him that for one of my New Year's Resolutions i wanted to learn to chill. Guess i gotta another month:)


maggie said...

I totally cry when I get mad....except, you know me....I'm not one to hold back the profanities!! ;)


Stephanie said...

I'm with Maggie!! You make me mad...especially dealing with "problems", I'm gonna have to let them have it!! Did you at least get a credit on your bill?

I'm so happy for you to have your internet back! I was getting mad b/c I posted days ago and NO BODY was leaving comments...until today! I LOVE Sabs! Oh and Sunday Davis had the runs so I opted to keep him home out of nursery. He has YET to go to nursery. Agh! Hopefully this Sunday

Texasholly said...

I cry when I get mad, too! That is actually like the only time I cry. Or when I am worried about Ellie's head ;)

I am sooooo glad you finally got internet. Stupid Comcast.

The Smith Family said...

haha--oh, wait, soooo not funny!! I HATE it when stuff like that happens. I'll stress with you girl--I've never learned to control that either. Oh, and I cry too ;)!

Lindsey and Brett said...

That is so funny. But honestly, sometimes when I get really frustrated I cry. Sometimes I feel like I cry for all the wrong reasons. Oh well.