Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Summer Of Seals

500m swim
max push ups
max sit ups
max pull ups
1.5mile run

its a Navy Seal challenge

After training all summer for this, 4 workouts a week plus Saturdays the entire circuit, we finally did it!
Here's my awesome team!
Me, Abby, Cheryl, Camille, and Brittany
Each member gets points depending how fast they complete the swim and run, how many "ups" they can do in 2 min, how many weeks you put in 4- 30minute workouts, and how much weight you lost.
After saying "no" to joining at least 3 times I finally consented and I'm glad I did.
I left as soon as I was done to catch my kids soccer games but as a bonus Daniel called me from the awards ceremony to let me know that I won 2nd place in my age group!
Hooray for "non-athletes" earning medals! :)
Here's my scores:
12:30 swim
25 push ups
50 sit ups
1 pull up
14:45 run
lost 8lbs
Oh ya and the real athletes...
Mark and Daniel tied for 1st overall, 1st in their age group and their team won 1st as well:)


robandkayla said...

Way to go! :) Congrats on the medal!

Unknown said...

That's awesome! (for you and for Daniel) congrats!

Ben, Erin and Tyson Sweetwood said...

How fun!

Lindsey said...

Did u ever know that you're my hero? Your everything I wish I could be.....

Go girl!!! I am proud to call u my skinny mini BFF