Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Seattle's Best

Nope not coffee folks we're talkin' the best friend a girl could ask for...
Lindsey-Chip-Nicole-Davis-Walker-the 3rd.....teeheehee.

Oh man I love this girl!!!

As an extra treat Lyns got to meet up with us while we were in Seattle.

Seriously 2 and 1/2 years is way tooooooo long to go without seeing your Bestie but if you're gonna do it right you should probs meet at Pike Place, eat some divine cheesecake, breathe in centuries of decaying animals and mummies, feed the birds at Ivars, ride the carousel, then betroth your daughter to the cutest little man you ever did see!!!!

Missn' you and Dyl and that cheese cake like crazy!!!!:)

1 comment:

robandkayla said...

Your trip looks like it was amazing!! Can't wait to see the rest of it :) And seriously?...Could your kids be any cuter?!