Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Do You Kiss Your Mamma with That Mouth?

Just Llamas.

I swear there's nothin' better than seen' your mama kiss a llama.

You should try it some time.
no really.

Whilst on our trip we managed to squeeze in a slight detour to the Outback...
Who knew a little piece of Australia was just around the corner from Seattle?

Just imagine a cool muddy meadow, peacocks screaming and diving off roofs unexpectedly, twiterpatted roosters and chickens, lemurs dancing to "I like to move it move it", kangaroos and their joeys frolicking in the fields for you to pet, a donkey named Jack, 1 grumpy pony, and llamas that love to make out, and that's the Outback!

Favorite comment of the day-
Olivia: "Look mom, some chickens like to ride on other chickens' backs!"
Me: "Yes honey, they're called Roosters"

Does anyone else feel that closing your eyes to kiss a llama is pretty romantic? :)

After all that kissing we got to end the tour by holding our own little bundle of joy...

G'day Mate

1 comment:

Ryan and Brittany said...

Oh my goodness, I the am laughing so hard at that 2nd picture of mom looking so disgusted after kissing the llama. What a romantical adventure for everyone.