Thursday, March 3, 2011

Woe is Me

Last Friday-
laundry basket+olivia's shoes on the stairs= clumsy me fracturing my foot
Woe is me.
I'm not gonna lie this was one of those weeks I'm all too happy to forget. I wasn't even sure I wanted to blog about it for fear of memories seeping back. Who knew a fractured foot can actually make you lose your mind?
There was a sick hubby, a sick baby, an oatmeal clogged sink, a broken washer, and no possiblities of hobbeling off for an outing.
Of course there was also amazing friends and family who came to my rescue, who babysat, cooked meals, cleaned my kitchen, went grocery shopping and mostly just listened to me complain.
I told my kids I was sorry this morning for being crazy and yelling and crying all the time.
Olivia told me, "Ya and whining!"
Kolby made me this "book". Notice the hurt foot in the first picture? :)
oh and the "crazy" eyes in the second?
Then today Kolby was telling me about all his injuries from climbing a tree at preschool.
"Mom, have you ever had an owie before? Do you like having owies?"
I pointed to my foot and said, "Ya, everyone gets owies and no one likes them."
Then he said, "You know who had lots of owies? Jesus".
And really its as simple as that isn't it?
Heavenly Father sent me the exact children I needed to teach me to be more like Him.
I promise no more whining about my week.
Aren't you relieved mother? :)


Frasure Family said...

I love you honesty in your writing. It definetly lifts up my day and I think it is nice not to be the only one. Hope the foot heals quickly and glad you have a great support!

Jessica said...

try and enjoy your down time if you can! And there's always room for a little whining...right?

Ryan and Brittany said...

wow your kids would make me feel bad considering i complain about the smallest things! you have every right to be lazy and watch movies all you want. i love you!

The Powells said...

Poor you! I hope you get to feeling better and your foot heals nicely. Your kids are the cutest (you can complain all you want to, being helpless is never fun!)