Saturday, March 17, 2012

Camping with Little Rascals and a Houdini

We get nearly as excited for spring break here as we do for Christmas.
Its track season so our family is just itching for some quality together time with no distractions.
Thus our obsession with camping:)
This year we got to spend some time with our friends the Sanders as well.
Other than the fact that my 23 monther learned how to not only climb out of the packn'play but also how to unzip the tent to get out (you'd be suprised how many times it took before we out smarted her by zipping the tent higher), it turned out to be a wonderful trip.
Gorgeous weather, great food, and awesome friends.

 These 2 were joined at the hip. So sweet!

 These 2, not so much:) Poor Jett. Naomi was either beating you or kissing you. there there.

 Oh and here is our newest upgrade:)
It fits 3 queen airmattress.
Lets just say sleeping all in one tent is a whole lot safer than what we were doing before:)
haha notice how Jett finally feels safe and Naomi is having "alone time" all caged in the spacious tent? :) That's my wild child.

1 comment:

Ryan and Brittany said...

You guys know how to camp! That tent is amazing. However, I will just enjoy the roasting marshmallows and singing songs by the camp fire and then sleep in my own cozy bed...that's my idea of camping! haha good for you guys!