Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Every once in awhile, ok maybe more than that...it feels good to just vent on this blog thing. I see it as a good thing sense i usually take out less anger on my children and hubby when i do so.
Daniel worked late last night. not that big of a deal but i seem to have less and less patience with my children the more and more alone time i have with them. Needless to say i was really ready to put olivia down at 8:30, and i should mention that this was thoroughly communicated over the phone with my hubby. Just as I sang "...to live with him someday" in pops daniel with big hellos and hugs and kisses for olivia. Then he puts her in her crib and walks away. Olivia screamed so hard she almost threw up and I gave daniel a look that could kill. What was he thinking?! I started the bedtime routine all over again.
Today my kiddos woke up at 8:00 and started fighting at 8:01.
We went to Target where kolby "helped" me pick out a b-day present. While i bent down to have him choose between 3 different Lightning McQueen gifts that his friend just had to have, Olivia (who was standing in the cart) took off her pants and her diaper. Luckily nothing came out of her little naked bum before i could cover her back up. Kolby then insisted on zigzagging in front of the cart until the inevitable happened, I bumped into him, he tripped and dropped his precious bubble bath. He screamed, "Mommy don't hit me!" I scooped him up and set him in the cart with olivia where she stole the coveted bubble bath and then round 2 of the fighting began. I let out a huge SIGH for all the staring shoppers.
Now we're home and both children are down for naps and I think i will join them shortly.
Daniel will be gone til 11 or later tonight too.
The one thing that keeps me going?
American Idol starts tonight!!!!!
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Um...PLEASE don't hate me for having a bday party that made you have that lovely experience at Target. I'm so sorry!!! If it makes you feel better - I'll let you copy me and the v-day craft I did :o) I can even give you the extra blocks I have :o)...pick a day and you guys can come over! PS - we need to talk about my issues with copying...it really just pertains to a certain someone. Love ya and hope your day gets better.
I'm sorry Sabrina...I know exactly how you feel. Blaine works graveyards and out of the last 9 nights Blaine has worked 8 (he signed up for extra shifts.) I am at my wits end and I too lose patince with my kids too many times (Thank goodness they are so forgiving)...so if it helps, I know how you feel and I am glad you shared your experience because it helps me know I am not alone. Hang in there! You are awesome!!!
ohhh long days are exhausting. hang in there!
What an Awesome day! (please note sacasm) Sounds like you have a talent I do not posses... Patience! You are amazing. I think I would ave lost it... Hope American Idol is awesome!
I am sorry for the long, rotten day (that started the night before). But I have to admit, I totally laughed about Olivia taking her clothes off and Kolby screaming "Mommy don't hit me!" It is always more fun to read about these things than to live them ;)
I totally hear ya, sister. We'll all just keep pluggin' away. Good thing our kids have such cute sides too - it's their survival mode.
you poor thing! I'm beginning to understand that feeling though! I had my own rough store adventure yesterday, I though I'd brave the store with the two of them, nope i'm not ready! lol. It was a nightmare and due to a baby with colic and a very demanding 3 year old, around the house feels that way alot too right now! i can now read your posts like that and think "awe man this is what i have to look forward to!"
Wow, I feel for you! I hope that Daniel doesn't have too many more late nights. I really hated Jeff being gone over night this last year. Parenting is definitely made for two people- husband AND wife :)
Hang in there :)
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