I posted awhile back how i found this awesome pre-preschool curriculum. http://www.letteroftheweek.com/Preparatory.html The program has pre-selected weekly themes, vocab, shapes/colors, letters, numbers, and rhymes. Even though the themes are really cute the last few weeks we've been choosing our own themes. (November was all about Thanksgiving and pilgrims, December was Christmas...then we painted our play room....and the last two weeks were special requests from Kolby himself).
We had Shark week.
-watched Discovery Channel shark movies online
-read shark books
-learned about 7 different species of sharks
-identified what type of shark tooth i have in my random collection
-ate shark fruit snacks
-learned how to spell shark

After a visit to NASA Kolby begged to learn all about rockets, and astronauts , and space shuttles.

We had Space Exploration Week
-watched October Sky
-read a billion library books
-made little rockets shoot up with air
-sent rockets off the stairs ....3...2...1....BLAST OFF
-kolby even dreamt he was an astronaut:)

Some day i'm sure kolby will get sick of all this "learning" but for now i'm lovn' it!

(and LOVE the playroom colors!....is it always that neat?)
Incredible organization!!!!!! That is awesome!
Amazing. There are hardly words. I want to be you.
um perhaps i should have prefaced this with how disgustingly dirty the rest of my house is and how much I've neglected my kids this week. Please don't get the wrong impression from this post. i just love school.
I'm sending my 2 over. How about Monday Wed, and Friday?? Reese goes from 9-2 so I thought my boys could just do the same time :o)
You are such a great mom!!
You are awesome Sabrina. If we lived closer I would pay you to have Tanner over to your little preschool. I love the idea and will have to try it out. By the way the playroom looks great!!!
I'm just going to send Ellie to your house for school this summer. You are such an awesome teacher!
Oh, and I love the new color!
wow...words cannot describe how Impressed I am.
PS....the wall color is insanely amazing. A wee tear rolled down my cheek when I saw it.
PPS...Do you teach out of state?
PPPS...Does the cutie-patotie in the bottom picture come with the kit?? or is that extra?
so cute Sabrina!! I'm going to check out that site!!
I've been so interested in this since the first time you posted about it! It looks so fun and you are so amazing (in case you missed all the other comments that said the same thing!)! I'm going to check it out and thanks for being so wonderful!
Thanks for reposting. I must have missed it the first time around. I will definitely be putting this to good use!
how do you keep his attention. I've tried little learning things and stuff like you have on here and Ethan last about 20 seconds. Any tips?
You never cease to amaze me friend. How awesome that you are teaching Kolby such good stuff. My days are long and tedious and we watch a ton of tv, does that count as education? Tell me your secrets!!
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