It all started around 3rd grade when my teacher began having us recite the Ohio State fight song, and chant "Let's Go Bucks" with our brown bag OSU cheerleader and football player puppets, instead of say practicing our time tables. Basically if you grow up in Ohio you bleed scarlet and gray, and have an odd obsession with buckeyes. This was never a problem until the day we brought Kolby home from the hospital. That day OSU played UT and, gulp, lost. Since then my hubby has found new motivation to be a UT fan. Last night they played in the Tostitos Bowl and somehow UT won again :( Unfortunately I don't think I can brainwash Olivia to be on my side since she's really the only one of us to be born here in Texas. Guess they'll all just gain up on me.
all I care about are the peanut butter, chocolate covered buck eyes! soooo good! :)
Don't you mean TX?? Not UT?? That's ok...you are stressed about last night. I understand. I still love you. CLEARLY, your heart is still in UTAH!!! I miss you too. Come home.
For those unfamilar to football or the state of Texas, UT is short for the University of Texas (located in Austin). Also if the video clip doesn't make sense they are the Longhorns and kolby is saying "hook'em horns". I just assumed this was known by all.
As stated earlier...I am new. Please forgive.
Go Buckeyes...:)
Oh the horrors! I better not let Tom see these pictures. He is still upset about the Dave/Ale clan wearing UT stuff in the family photo!
Sabrina...haven't you learned yet that Texas is number ONE at EVERYTHING!? You'll get you converted one of these days. Go Longhorns!!
GO BUCKS! It was a good game. I am just grateful it wasn't a blow-out, like many people thought. We will get them next time! PS maybe you can brib your kids my making them real buckeyes and telling them they can only eat them if they cheer for the bucks!
So Funny! Sorry that both of your kids are leaving you hangin.
I'm with ya!
Uh, who was your third grade teacher?!?
Go Texas! I am a fan of any team that beats OSU. Especially since Michigan has hasn't been able to:(... yeah yeah laugh it up.
Um, GIG'EM AGGIES!!!! t.u may be doing well in football (we're having some "rebuilding years" but the is no mistake as to what TEXAS UNIVERSITY is the best--TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY. I think I have some aggie shirts, jerseys, and even a few cheerleading outfits that the kids have grown out of...I'll be sure to send them your way!
Guess what I taught Kolby this morning? I taught him to do the thumbs up and sat, "Gig 'em Aggies!" I figured he was too young for the talk I gave Leilani about how people who go to UT party a lot and do drugs and go to jail.
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