Friday, January 14, 2011

The Trouble with having 3 kids at home is...

1. Exercising is down right impossible.
(I tried DVDs, Wii, pushing a double jogger with 3 kids in it... all to no avail. My hubby and i are rarely home at the same time, my hubby is training for an ironman, and i refuse to pay more for childcare at the gym than I would for my own membership. i will be chubby this year. the end.)
2. The simplest of errands can leave me exhausted.
The number of potty breaks and times i have to buckle and unbuckle grows expotentially.
3. There isn't a single room in my house that Peter Walsh would be proud of.
As soon as its picked up enough to sanitze its already time to pick up again.
4. Someone is always crying.
too tired, too many choices for breakfast, too many tackles, too many kids
5. The biggest problem with having all 3 of my kids at home with me all day long is knowing that this will be the only year of my life that I have them totally and completely all to myself.
Next year is kindergarten followed by new teachers, new role models, new friends, and new heros, new problems, new heartaches, new ideas, new attitudes, less control, less time, more demands and eventually having to let them all go.
Who would've thunk being a chubby, exhausted, messy momma was something to cherish?


Anonymous said...

AMEN!!! I totally get it:)

Megan said...

Amen! You are amazing and a great example! Your kids are lucky to have you as their momma!!

Amber said...

I needed this post! Thanks for the good reminder :)

The Patterson's said...

You make me feel like I'm not alone. It's tough sometimes isn't it but like you said it's a time to cherish. Soon enough they'll be teenagers and want nothing to do with us. Sometimes I wish we could preserve these years.

Ashley and Dave said...

like this button

Katie said...

EnJoy, EnJoy, are wise beyond your years my friend! ;D

Jessica said...

hehe...chubby, exhausted, and messy is totally in right now...didn't you know?