Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"they flew through a flaw in the flue" with the flu?

I softly spit out the letters "F-L-E-W" and was promptly eliminated from the 2nd grade spelling bee. The word I was supposed to spell was "F-L-U".
Today not much has changed. My spelling skills certainly have not improved and now more than ever I wish the word "FLU" never existed.
We're on day 6 of Olivia having the flu. Poor girl just lays around all day, everyday. I've only stepped outside twice in 6 days.
It could be the cabin fever but this childhood poem keeps going through my head:
A fly and a flea in a flue Were imprisoned, so what could they do? Said the fly, "Let us flee!" "Let us fly!", said the flea. So they flew through a flaw in the flue.

Perhaps they had the flu too?


Ryan and Brittany said...

you are such a creative blogger! seriously who could make a flu post as entertaining as you do. sorry about being sick. sounds miserable. just close your eyes and envision us in fl in 5 months...just don't envision me in a swim suit and you will feel better. give my love to your lil' sickos.

Jeri said...

I'm sorry that this sickness has lingered so long at your house. I hope it ends soon! Hang in there.

Lindsey said...

Wow. If I was a better friend...I would fly down there and hold your hair back.

Sorry. Maybe next time.

But seriously, I agree with Britt. Only you would make a creative post about the flu. Your amazing:)

Abby said...

I just love you! And as soon as I'm not hacking and coughing everywhere, we are both getting out of the house for some fun!