"I was never unusaully squeamish; I could sometimes eat a fried rat with a good relish if it was neccessary." -Henry David Thoreau
In an attempt to be like my buddie Thoreau, I decided to forgo those low calorie meals I mentioned previously and try something new now that my health-nut hubby is outta town.
A white trash Ratatouille if you will:)
Fried Rat:
Step 1. Entice your little rodent friend with a comfy cool home, let's say your outdoor AC unit.
Step 2. Crank up the AC, that's right get that electric juice flow'n
Step 3. Don't be alarmed by the temporary power shortage or the strange humming coming from the side of your house.
Step 4. Endure Texas heat without your AC for a few days, making your bedroom a cozy 82 degrees
Step 5. Notify your AC company and then pay them a couple hundred dollars to remove the remains and replace the (luckily under warranty) motor.
Step 6. Add a dash of shame
Wah-la you get....FRIED RAT!
Sorry we gobbled him down so fast I only got a picture of the fried fur he left behind:) If anyone would care for left-overs his body is wrapped in a Walmart bag in my trash can that will bake in the sun for a couple days.
Step 7: Go ahead vomit in your mouth...I'm pretty sure I just did.

I defs want this recipe...
That's the last time I eat your Mystery Meat.
Why do these things always happen when the honey is at scout camp? It's happened to countless scout widows through the generations. It's a curse I tell ya!!
Sick. Our air broke a few weeks ago and it was terrible!
Ewwww. That is so sick! I'm glad that it's over now though and you can cool off again. We lost power last night for 10 hours... I thought I was going to MELT while I was sleeping.
PS. You really do have the cutest kids ever. I love reading your blog posts about them. :)
Ahhh nightmares!!!!! Glad you evicted your guest!
Ew, that is disgusting!! At first, I really thought you were eating rat.. I was nervous to keep reading. So glad to hear that it was your house that ate a rat, and not you :)
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