Sunday, February 27, 2011


After a few too many fibs lately from my middle child I decided to give a special family home evening lesson last week. I think the lesson manual was written before I was born but I still loved the idea to play a game called "Honestyville". Unfortunately over the years the game board was misplaced so I pulled out a Sesame Street car mat and a couple of Hotwheels. Each time the car got to a person (or Muppet) on the mat we stopped and had an honesty question. If the kids got the answer right the car could keep going. I did all the usual scenarios: returning lost and found items, shoplifting, breaking things, to which my children spouted off all the correct answers...and then i gave a customized scenario for Olivia.
"This little girl told her mommy that she ate all her breakfast. Her mommy asked her if she was telling the truth. The girl said yes even though the truth was that she threw it in the trash for the 3rd time that week. What should this little girl in HONESTYVILLE do?"
Olivia: "um, she was full!"
Then I remembered this pic I snapped of her last week during her nap. See the Book of Mormon hiding under the covers? Perhaps there's hope for my little liar after all. We just won't be taking any trips to Honestyville for a while.


the other lawton's said...

um, yes, mom, she was full! full and finished with being sick! can we all be healthy and play someday so we don't just have to be blog friends? love you!

Texasholly said...

Love it! Honestyville sounds like much better parenting than telling your daughter her nose will grow every time she lies.

Hope your little family all gets well soon and your foot heals fast (or else you might have to start working at IHOP).

Dani said...

We have been having the SAME problem with James. "James, did you eat you sandwich?" "Yes!" "Ok, I'm going to come see." "NO! Don't come see!"