Monday, November 15, 2010

Emotional State

I am obsessed with teacher-coach-inspirational movies. Cheesy? yes. But i love it. Current obsession? Friday Night Lights. You know what i'm talkn about.
So when my hubby brings home this pic a few weeks ago of him and his star runner of the last 4 years what do i do? Ball like a baby of course.
This is Hillary Montgomery, AKA one of the most amazing people i know. This is them at Bearkat Bash which they've both got 1st for 4 years in a row. We pretend like she's our teenage daughter. Our kiddos love her. She's super smart, super talented and most importantly a very good girl!
In her speech at the xc banquet she said,
"When Coach Lawton became my coach, a whole new world was opened before my eyes. Not only did he give me workouts and instruction, but he gave me feedback and a huge passion for running that i'll carry with me forever....He taught me the difference between running with your mind and running through your heart, completely focused on a world of your own...For the last 2 years at the State meet he has ran the entire last 800 with me yelling at me the place i'm in, how many more girls i need to pass, and not to give up. Every year he manages to improve both the boys and the girls teams, and encourages more people to continue to run. He has been my favorite part of cross country and I honestly don't know how I'm going to cope next year running for a different coach..."
What did i do? ball again of course.
Who knew i had my very own inspirational-movie-coach for a hubby?
This weekend we went to the State meet in Austin. Hillary placed 4th. I'm so proud of her and proud of my husband. The two have been really good for each other and we're gonna miss her terribly next year!
Ugh enough with the emotions already...
Here's Daniel and my bro-in-law Tom whose team took 2nd! whoop-whoop!!
and here's me in the girls T this says "Our workouts are longer than our shorts" heehee The Erwins decided to join in on the fun too and met us up in Austin. Naomi is attacking her cousin Levi. Kolby and Olivia stayed with my neighbors who spoiled them rotten. And here's the gorgeous Kinliegh!!!
Holly and her kiddos were there too but alas us coach's wives are so distracted supporting our hubbys that we're not in many pics:)
And to celebrate the few weeks of post- xc season and pre-track season...i enjoyed this puppy from Cafe 290 on the car ride home...a little slice of heaven!


Stephanie said...

So what is that you are eating? Looks yummy!! I LOVE that you are so emotional!! I'm always crying over the craziest things :o) Way to go Daniel. Looks like you guys had lots of fun.

Abby said...

Awww now you're making me cry! I'm glad you got to get away!!

I'm with Stephanie- what is that and where did you get it?! Yum!