Sunday, September 26, 2010

These are a few of my favorite things...

Finally exposed my children to The Sound of Music last week. I still can't get the songs out of my head:)
Seattle is seriously one of the coolest places in the world. I'm pretty sure I'd think that even if I wasn't from there but since I also get to call it home its all the more awesome!
If you've never been. Go! I will take you!
Here's a few of my favorite things about visiting Seattle:
1. Seeing Ona and Papa
2. Hearing someone play the guitar on every street corner
3. Fresh produce, flower, and fish markets
4. Eating dessert every day!
5. The fact that the outlet mall is nestled into what most people would consider a state park:)
6. Wildlife
7. Cool crisp air
8. being spoiled by my parents!
Here's a few places we went:
Redmond Town Center
Seattle Aquirium
The piers
Pike Place Market
(not pictured is when Kolbs practically wet his pants when the fish behind him moved....ahhh that never gets old)
Snoqualmie Falls
(hee hee yes the word is "breathtaking" obviously since i'm in the picture)
Ona and Papa's house
P.S. If you actually made it through all the pictures and still care...the flight home was also splendid. Other than a minor blowout which caused me to dispose of Naomi's jammies in the mini lavaoratory trash bin all was well. I'm so grateful for good kids!!!


Heather Curtis said...

I am SO jealous! That trip looked amazing! I completely agree that Seattle is the best place ever- although I may be biased too. I am certainly hoping to end up there someday.

Megan said...

Looks like lots of fun! You look AMAZING!!! Glad the kids were good for you both times-do I see more traveling in your future?

Julie Barnes said...

Oh, it looks like so much fun!! I have only been once. Looks like I will have to go!

Unknown said...

I've been to Seattle but never seen those gorgeous falls (I have a thing for waterfalls). Glad you had fun!

Tracy and Micah said...

These pictures make me so homesick! Sounds like you had a fun trip!! We will have to coordinate our visits sometime so we can see Seattle AND each other! I will be up there over Thanksgiving... :)

the other lawton's said...

so when are we taking a road trip?!?

Kylee said...

Sabs, these pics make me homesick too! I LOVE Seattle, and like you said, I think the place just is awesome. It isn't because we are from there! :) Glad you had a fun trip!

Stephanie said...

I would go with you anytime there!!! What a cool place!

Ryan and Brittany said...

Why wasn't I there?? Oh wait someone... not naming names... wouldn't wait till February/March to go with her dearest sister and new niece... you know who you are! Looks like so much fun. I can't believe all the things you got to do!! Ona and papa spoil those luck kids!!