Monday, June 7, 2010

Ballet {week}

Ok not exactly a week of Ballet...more like a few days here and a few days there. Started off by my mom bringing this awesome ballerina book for olivia's birthday. Then i checked out a bunch of ballet books. And at last we played dress-up and had a costume change everytime the song on the ballet CD changed. We danced to The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, La Fille Mal Gardee, Coppelia, and Sleeping Beauty.
Naomi even got in on the action with her several pairs of ballerina socks. I let kolby dress up like a horse and run around so Daniel wouldn't think i was trying to turn him into a ballerina. We rested our twinkle toes by watching Angelina Ballerina off of Netflix instant play (i love that thing!)
Happy Dancing!


The Mach's said...

you're soo fun! We love ballerinas! P.S to Daniel, many NFL football players have taken ballet! :) At least that's what Eric tells himself as our boys twirl around the living room. AND I made my blog private, so accept my invite already!!!

Stephanie said...

Well your ballerina already has a knight in shinning armour!! Davis will fight off the bad guys with his nerf sword :o) LOVE the dress-ups!!