Sunday, May 2, 2010

Game Ball

Last Friday night after coming home from the hospital I was talking to Kolby before bed. We talked about how he had a T-ball game in the morning. After every game one player gets to take home the "game ball". Kolby told me that he was going to work really hard and hussle so he could get the game ball. I said a little prayer the next morning as Naomi and I had to stay behind and miss the game. I really wanted him to get the ball so he could feel extra special with all the changes going on around our house. Sure enough when Kolby walked through the door he was gripping the game ball! I'm so proud of my T-ball player!
Kolby and Maddox...BFFs
Love this team pic...hard to see i know but its classic. It was raining, one girl is crying, the kids kept pushing each other off the bench, and the coach is talking i think. Ha ha love it!
Action shot! No Action shot.


Megan said...

Yay Kolby-What a stud!

The Patterson's said...

Awesome!!!!! Isn't it funny how important the little things are sometimes. I'm so glad he got that ball. I'm sure he'll be talking about that for a long time.

Abby said...

Too cute! I love his "no action" shot. Now you just need to capture his inevitable yawn! It's so cute!