A Baerbel is something i like to call my mom. She is silly. She worships the sun. no really. She is easily pleased and amused. She cooks delicious meals for me including some meatballs that did NOT burn my eyeballs. She entertains my kids. She stays up late watching movies and eating candy. She takes me out to lunch. She spent all day yesterday helping me clean my house! and then she flew home...sniff sniff
You'd think now that i am a mom i would make the extra effort to be sure I show my appreciation to my mother. But even now, just like when i was a kid i forget to say thank you. Thanks mom for everything!!! I never realize how awesome you are til you're gone.
* FYI-"Baerbel" is my mom's first name. She is from Germany. no worries Dianna, I can't even say it the correct way and she's my mom.

It was a special treat to get to see you even if it was for a short weekend:) and i absolutely love seeing you play with my kids!!!
To the best parental units in the world!!!
not fair not fair not fair!!! we do have good parents huh?? they would be even better if they came to visit me hehe. kiddos look adorable!!!
tee hee ;) I think that was only the second time I have ever met your Mom. The first time being your Wedding. Crazy. She sure was super sweet.
Your parents are the best! I'm glad that you get to see them often (well, more often than I see mine!) and I LOVE that Kolby thinks he's in charge of his wardrobe...it' too cute. You guys are an awesome family!
BTW - Where do you get your blog books done? How do you do them? I want to print my blog post all out in a book and have it made but everywhere I look I have to upload the pictures and make it all myself using one of their layouts... that's just too much work ON TOP OF keeping up on the blog! Where do I go?
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