Wednesday, August 12, 2009

"Fun" run

I'm really not sure why fun and run can be grouped together but apparently my father-in-law loves running enough to do it 1st thing the morning of his 60th birthday! The grandkids all ran 9/10 of a mile and the pure blood Lawtons (plus Erwin) all ran a 5K. I prefered to wear cute running clothes and take pictures:)
Haha this pic is actually before they even ran but baby Levi just spit up on Daniel so it looks like he's sweating already:)
Doing stretches led by the military man, Dr. Dave.
Kolby was soooooo excited about getting to run in a race. He could hardly sleep the night before. He got up early and dressed in his running clothes all on his own. He told everyone, "I'm gonna run super fast! I'm gonna beat daddy! I gotta stretch"
Even Olivia completed the race...she did get a few rides from her cousins along the way.
I love seeing how the running-gene has definately been passed down throughout the Lawton family.
The serious runners...
The brothers...ok now that is real sweat.

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